Cycling counter

I was cycling through Edinburgh when I came across this cycling counter.  I hadn’t been 2014-05-08 12_optthat way for a while and was pleasantly surprised.  It looks a bit like TMA1 from “2001: A space Odyssey“.  The cycling counter has two counts one for 24 hours and one for the cumulative total.  The idea is to encourage people to cycle by saying you are not alone!  As I wrote previously cycling is not the answer to peak oil but is part of it.

Therefore anything that can encourage cycling is to welcomed.  I also came across this neat idea at the railway station.2014-06-01 15_opt  A pump and tools securely fastened to a large post, in the very large cycle park area of the station.  There is cycle parking for hundreds of bikes and even on a Sunday I had problem finding somewhere to lock my trusty steed up, presumably because people are commuting in by train and cycling the rest of the way.

Both the cycling counter and the free to use tool post are small ways of encouraging people to cycle and are to be commended.  Anyone seen any other neat ideas?  Why not try cycling, make contact with your local cycle pressure group, they often do coaching to get you safely back on the road.

More cycling blog thoughts here.


PS there will be no “one thing we have learnt this week” this week since I’m away.  Although I’m sure we will have learnt something….

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